Tan-Oak, tanbark (Lithocarpus)
Tan-Oak, tanbark Genus Details
Tan-oak grows well only in rich, moist, well-drained soil in Oregon and California where it is native. The alternate, leathery, evergreen leaves are 1 1/2-4" long and their general habit is low and open. Tanbarks can grow to 75' tall. The fruit is an acorn about 1" long and flowers are catkins 2-4" long.
Tan-Oak, tanbark Allergy Info
Tan-oak pollen is not typically considered allergenic. The flowers have a bad odor but are not usually a source of allergy.
Tan-Oak, tanbark Pollen Description
No pollen description is currently available.
Species in This Genus
Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Tan-Oak, tanbark (Lithocarpus) is a genus of the FAGACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: