Sea-Buckthorn (Hippophae)
Sea-Buckthorn Genus Details
This shrub is commonly used for seashore planting along the east coast and can reach 15-25 feet tall. Sea buckthorn is a native of Europe and Asia. It has willow like leaves, grayish-green on the upper surface, and silver-green below. The twigs are thorny. Shrubs are either all female, or all male (meaning they produce pollen). The flowers are small and inconspicuous. Fruits are bright orange, fleshy and 1/4 inch diameter in profuse quantities. Both sexes must be present for berries to form. Birds commonly eat the fruit.
Sea-Buckthorn Allergy Info
Males shed heavy amount of wind borne pollen, females have no pollen
Sea-Buckthorn Pollen Description
No pollen description is currently available.
Species in This Genus
Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Sea-Buckthorn (Hippophae) is a genus of the ELAEAGNACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: