Spindletree, Strawberry-Bush, Wahoo (Euonymus)
Spindletree, Strawberry-Bush, Wahoo Genus Details
Euonymus has several native species but most popular landscape plants are introduced from Eurasia. Most range in height from 2-15 feet tall. Several such as the wintercreeper are vines. Leaves are 2-4 inches long, elliptical, and green above and pale underneath. The bark is gray and several species have corky ridges. Early fall Euonymous turn a brilliant scarlet color. Euonymus flowers in May-June. Pollen produced is moderate and insect dispersed. Powdered bark was used by American Indians and pioneers as a purgative.
Spindletree, Strawberry-Bush, Wahoo Allergy Info
This genus is usually considered only a minor cause of allergy.
Spindletree, Strawberry-Bush, Wahoo Pollen Description
Pollen grains of Euonymus are prolate-spheroidal; the amb circular and 3-colporate.The colpi are long and the ora lalongate. The sexine is reticulate with small but distinct lumina.
The grains are 21-30 x 23-29 micrometers in size.
Species in This Genus
Allergenicity Legend:
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Mild Allergen | Moderate Allergen | Severe Allergen | Allergy Test Available
Spindletree, Strawberry-Bush, Wahoo (Euonymus) is a genus of the CELASTRACEAE family.
This genus includes the following allergenic species:
This genus includes the following allergenic species: